Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Responding to Romney

Man, it seems every time Mitt Romney opens his mouth I lose a little bit more respect for the man. Back in the spring, I really thought I'd be supporting him at this juncture, but the anger and the lies he has been spouting about Huckabee lately makes me glad I took my time deciding on a candidate.

I am also glad to see the Huckabee campaign coming out more aggressively to defend their record. Interesting that when Romney attacks, he calls names and puts inappropriate labels on Huckabee and when Huckabee responds, the bulk of the article consists of verifiable quotes and facts exposing the falseness of Romney's assertions.

Huckabee talks alot about "Vertical Politics", which is simply using the political process to move forward and upward, away from the petty "horizontal" focus on attacking and misrepresenting an opponent, toward looking ahead to how we can actually solve problems and give the next generation a better future. However, that doesn't mean you have to take dirty political attack lying down. The Official Blog has a great new post addressing some of Romney's misguided criticisms of Huckabee's assertion that the Bush Administration has some "arrogant" policies.

Here's the link...please share this with as many folks as you can!

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