Friday, December 14, 2007

The Boom Continues to Spread...

New polls out for two key states in the primaries...

First, one of the major states before Super Tuesday, Florida, has a new leader...would you like to hazard a guess as to who that might be???

Rasmussen is preparing to report that Mike Huckabee now leads in Florida with 27%!!! This is HUGE...if Huckabee wins Iowa, SC, and Florida before Super Tuesday, this thing could well be over with. Florida is supposed to be Giuliani's firewall before Feb. 5th. However, can he maintain any momentum whatsoever if he goes into that Tuesday with no primary wins?

Huckabee 27%
Romney 23%
Giuliani 19%

Second, IVR Polls has a new leader for Texas as well...

Huckabee 29%
Giuliani 16%
Thompson/Romney 14%

The Texas poll also mentions that it seems that moderates are moving from Giuliani to Huckabee, which accounts for his rise in the Texas poll. So, that kind of shoots holes in the whole "Huckabee can only get the support of the super conservatives" vote, doesn't it?

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