Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Poll Roundup 12/11/07

The polls are coming out fast and furious and most show Huckabee on the rise or even leading in new places.

Rasmussen Daily Tracking Poll (National)

Huckabee 22%
Giuliani 21%
Romney 14%

Rasmussen Iowa

Huckabee 39%
Romney 23%
All others in single digits

Strategic Vision Georgia

Huckabee 23% (up from 5% in October)
Thompson 20%
Giuliani 17%
McCain 11%
Romney 10%

NYTimes/CBS News National (Read down to the bottom for numbers)

Giuliani 22%
Huckabee 21%
Romney 16%

A word about the NYT/CBS poll...it shows that this race is still very volatile and many Republicans have not made up their minds completely yet. It also seems to indicate that Republicans are tired of their candidates beating up on each other. This could bode well for Huckabee even with the attacks on him, if he can stay above the fray and keep answering the critics with reason and grace.

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