Friday, February 8, 2008

Bye Bye Mitt!

As everyone knows by now, Mitt Romney took his opportunity to speak at CPAC yesterday as his chance to formally suspend his presidential campaign. It seems that he has his sights set on 2012, a'la Reagan in 1976, however, Reagan stayed in through the convention and won a multitude of states versus Ford. Romney showed that all the money in the world couldn't buy states unless he had lived there or it was a small state caucus.

The media is trying very hard to coronate John McCain, but even he is continually reminding voters that yes, Mike Huckabee is still very much alive in this race. So now, these Limbaugh "conservatives" have a choice. Will they hitch their wagons to Huckabee, as Neal Boortz suggests they do and try to stop Big Mac? Will they suck it up and support McCain anyway? Or will they continue to sit on the sidelines and whine and moan about the sad state of affairs and dream of the increased ratings they will enjoy as President Clinton/Obama take us you know where in a handbasket?

1 comment:

Nate Gunderson said...


I saw your question that you placed yesterday at the Huck's Army forum regarding which way Romney supporters would lean now that Mitt is out. I am an admin for one of the largest pro-Romney blogs that has thousands of visitors everyday. I posed the same question to our readers in the form of a poll. The results were that Romney supporters would break to McCain nearly 4 to 1.

The big divide that arises with Romney supporters and Huckabee is that we feel Huckabee used religion and class warfare as tools against Romney. We feel Romney is a strong social conservative and were quite disillusioned by Huckabee's claims that he was a better SoCon because he has been one longer. This divide between the two camps didn't always exist. A long while ago I did another poll about about people's preference as to who should be Romney's Veep if he should win the nomination. Of the 20 or so names include Huckabee was number one (100-2 over McCain). We felt a connection with him on his conservative principles and his values being based on faith. But all of that changed when he started to use that faith against Romney. He did, and it worked extremely well.

Though we aren't too thrilled about McCain (in fact most are loathe to support him) he hasn't created what we feel as an impassable divide amongst us.

Here are links to the two polls:

McCain or Huckabee 2-7-08: (387 votes, about 200 didn't like either option and didn't vote)

Veep Guessing 8-17-07: