Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Catching Up

Once again, I go through a drought of posting. In the interim since the last post announcing Romney's withdrawal, Huckabee has gained a few wins, but the McCain momentum has grown steadily as well.

What I am about to say might alienate me from many of the other hardcore Huckabee supporters, but understand this: I believe that the best choice of all the candidates on either side is the former governor from Arkansas. However, I also see the reality of the delegate situation. I know that McCain hasn't locked it up completely yet, but I also know that Huckabee's only hope is a brokered convention. Unfortunately, I do not think that would be in the best interest of conservatism or the Republican party. For better or worse, more or less by default, the voters have chosen John McCain as the nominee. I fear that if Huckabee pushed hard for a contested convention, the ensuing disarray would sink our chances in November. It would reopen the field to Romney and others and if we were to choose a nominee that did not win the majority of delegates it would be disastrous.

I think our focus now needs to shift to the general election and us putting our weight behind John McCain. No, he isn't the perfect candidate, nor is he my first or even second choice. But he's the guy and we need to get him a victory. It seems that the Obamamania is nigh unstoppable at this point and that the Senator from Illinois will be the opponent this fall. The more I see of him and the more I read his policy views, the less I think of him. I appreciate his attempt to appeal to unity and his general optimism, but he is a McGovern liberal dressed in a JFK costume. We need to maintain our hold on the White House in order to try to keep the Democratic congress in check. John McCain is our guy now and he needs all the support he can get.

So what of Huckabee? Am I a traitor to the cause for saying such things even before Texas and Ohio vote? Perhaps some will think so, but I have to be true to what I think is the best course of action. I hope that if Huckabee is offered the VP slot by McCain that he respectfully turns it down. Huckabee has established himself as the voice of social conservatism and the standard bearer for the Fair Tax cause. He can take a page from Reagan in the late 70s and remain very much in the public eye while championing values and fiscal reform. With the internet and Huckabee's natural charisma, he can speak, blog and show up on TV often. Should McCain lose in November, Huckabee (along with Romney) will be an automatic frontrunner for the nomination. And I will be waiting to support him once again.

As for this blog, I intend to leave it open for the time being. I am personally going to start focusing on the gubernatorial race here in North Carolina. After 16 years of Democratic leadership, it is time for a conservative in the Governor's Mansion. I personally support State Sen. Fred Smith for the Republican nomination. Check out his website for more information on Sen. Smith. I will also be getting more openly behind McCain once the nomination process is over.

I will probably start a new blog focusing more generally on politics, particularly NC politics. So, keep your eyes peeled and on this spot. I will put clear links to the new blog when I decide to start it. Thanks to the few of you who have read this blog with regularity. I hope you will join me at the new one to continue to fight for conservative ideals both in NC and across the nation.


1 comment:

Jason Tolbert said...
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