Sunday, December 2, 2007

Is Huck Qualified?

The question came up to Mike Huckabee on This Week regarding his qualifications to be president based on some comments by Mitt Romney earlier in the week. Here is his response:

"I know what hungry families look like. I could put a name and a face on them. I know what elderly struggling with how to pay for their medication look like, because I've been in their homes. I've sat with the families when they had to decide whether to take the life support off their 17-year-old in a motorcycle accident. I think that's pretty good preparation to lead a country, where people ought to come first before the paperwork."

I know that empathy is something that many conservatives look at as a sign of weakness, but a president's decisions are not just limited to papers and bills and sound bites. His decisions have an impact on the lives of regular folks. Mike Huckabee is a person who understands that and that is one of the many reasons I support him for president.

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