Thursday, December 6, 2007

Piedmont NC Meetup!

The Piedmont NC Mike Huckabee for President 2008 Meetup Group is up and running! Please join if you live anywhere in central NC and help us get organized for Mike Huckabee. I am located in Asheboro and our meetings will probably take place there for now, so if you live in Randolph, Guilford, Montgomery, Davidson or Chatham counties please help us help Mike Huckabee.

Direct any questions about the group to me, Justin Tarlton, the assistant organizer of the group.

Special thanks to Jane Hall, the organizer of the Mooresville, NC group for helping me get this started and for being the official organizer (and for footing the cost through January!)



oso diablo said...

i'm in forsyth county. that's the piedmont, right?

Justin Tarlton said...

Yes, that qualifies as Piedmont. Go to the link to Meetup and join the group if you are interested. Thanks!
