Thursday, December 6, 2007

Too Much News...

So very much good news and good polls to cover today...

First, Huckabee maintains his lead over Giuliani in the Rasmussen Daily Tracking Poll 21%-18%. It seems that Huck is gaining about a point or two every day. If he keeps on this trajectory, he could have a substantial national lead going into Iowa.

Second, Huckabee has roared into 1st place in South Carolina! This is a must win for the campaign. Couple this with a win in Iowa and a strong second (or even a first) in New Hampshire, and the Huckaboom may well become unstoppable!

Third, it seems that in multiple polls, from multiple pollsters, Huckabee is gaining ground all across the country. He really only has paid staff working in Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina at the moment, but in pretty much every single poll he has gained ground in the last month.

There is a clear path now for Huckabee to the nomination. With strong showings and wins early in January, the organization and money will fall into place. There are thousands of grassroots supporters out there just waiting to be mobilized. This is no fluke...this movement is for real!

1 comment:

AlRichards said...

Hi Justin - In case you were not there I thought I would share today's Huckameet with you:
“While We Were In Downtown Charlotte”
(or "You Can’t Stop A Tidal Wave Of Truth")
by Richard in NC

Dear Homeschoolers and Team Huckabee Supporters!
This morning we got to meet our future President close-up and personal in downtown Charlotte, NC. At least we got a glimpse and a moment.

Thanks to the building manager at the Charlotte Plaza (who kept changing their minds every few minutes as to where the homeschool families should “be”), over 400 people were shuffled around and almost lost their chance to hear the candidate. At least he got the media exposure he deserves.

Fortunately, homeschoolers are very resilient, self-reliant and flexible so we all made due and split up on different floors and rooms and did get to meet the candidate (sort of). The whole scene made more than one person wonder aloud - “What is this building manager’s party affiliation?”

Anyway, we had a good time, if a little cramped. We did get a photo of two of Huck and his wife, and my son got to shake his hand.

What a wonderful group we got to meet! So many happy people! I personally want to thank Brenda Brown for organizing the families, permits and logistics, who worked against bureaucracy to make it happen. And Gideon from the Meetup Groups for helping host. There were many people involved and they did a great job.

The amazing part is nobody claims to be professional at event hosting and it should demonstrate to the nation what a grassroots effort can accomplish. Much needed funds were raised, a wonderful breakfast hosted and many families attended. Mike Huckabee has a base of normal, everyday people who work, pay those taxes and come together as needed. It reminded me of generations past when a barn needed raising or a school built. We just did it. We didn’t need guidelines from some government entity or permission. We just did it. And Mike will just win the primaries, get the nomination and win the election. He will just do it. And we will help.

So when Mike takes the oath of office and enters the White House, ALL the pundits and news anchors who said from the beginning “Huckabee can’t win”, can reflect on why they spent so much time listening to each other, when the real people in the real world were working hard to get a decent man elected into office.

As I write this note of thanks I have to comment on the polls. When we left this morning to attend the rally, Mike had 14.0% average nationally and was only behind Giuliani. When we returned home, that number had jumped to 16.8%, almost three percentage points. With more states getting interested in Mike his numbers continue to climb.

For the conservative commentators who have also stated “Mike peaked too soon in Iowa,” last week, they need to reexamine their job qualifications. Most are not statisticians and it does not require a scientist to see that not only has Mike’s support NOT peaked, but it is climbing ever more dramatically each day and in every other state.

Media frontrunners don’t impress me much as I am sure they did not impress you.
That’s why we like Mike. He defies the established train of thought. And we think that’s good for this nation.

We look forward to more events for Huckabee.

Thank you all so much.
Richard in NC